Hello , I 'm

Mohamed Said

Frontend developer

more about me Portfolio

about me


Hi my name is Mohamed Said. I am a student at faculty of Engineering - Computer Science Department (Zagazig University).I am interested in Programming so i started learning Web development at youtube then i join Kalbonyan Elmarsos Internship, and it gave me the right way to be a fullstack developer.



Education & Experience

2020 : 2024

Faculty of Engineering - Zagazig university

Computer Science Department


Kalbonyan Elmarsos Internship

Learn Programing Fundamentals ,HTMl and CSS

Learn MERN Stack

Learn How to Deploy your web applications with Cloud Provider (AWS)

Learn How to Make serverless web applications

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recent work

kalbonyan home page

Kalbonyan Elamrsos

Kalbonyan Elmarsos is an Egyptian non-profit organization whose goal is to help students become better developers and be able to deal and succeed with the global labor market and compete in it with strength and efficiency.

  • Created - September 2022
  • technologies used - React
  • Role - Frontend
  • view Online - www.domain.com
  • Github - Code
quran academy home page

Quran academy

Waratell alquran tarteela Academy, It is an academy for quran ,teaching people how to read quran well. Client need a simple landing page without form and consists of only one page. I choose all the colors and design all the images with illustrator and after accepting the design, i started to code it with HTML, CSS and Js.

  • Created - December 2022
  • technologies used - HTML & CSS & JS
  • Role - Frontend
  • view Online - www.domain.com
  • Github - Code
ecommerce app image


This is a full stack project with Sanity and nextjs (by Javascript Mastery on youtube) With Sanity,you can update any item in the page without coding , only by the website of Sanity you will able to see every product and you can modify it easily.I use Stripe for payment.

  • Created - 24 Oct 2022
  • technologies used - NextJS & Sanity
  • Role - FullStack
  • view Online - www.domain.com
  • Github - Code
project of dashReact

Dashboard App

This is a tutorial with Reactjs .It is a complete dashboard which contain pages like customers, employees and apps like calendar and text editor and charts like line, area and Pyramid ,I use Tailwind to style all the components and with Syncfusion , it is very simple to make all of these components with only ten lines of code for every component.

  • Created - 20 Oct 2022
  • technologies used - ReactJS & Syncfusion & Tailwind
  • Role - Frontend
  • view Online - www.domain.com
  • Github - Code
project of gpt-3


Fully Responsive Modern UI/UX Website in React JS. It is open source project on Figma.

  • Created - 1 Oct 2022
  • technologies used - ReactJS
  • Role - Frontend
  • view Online - www.domain.com
  • Github - Code
project of gym

Fitness club

This is your club for all exercises. You can search on any exercise. you can open this exercise and see Details about it you will find youtube videos which you can see to help you doing exercise well.

  • Created - 3 Oct 2022
  • technologies used - ReactJs & RapidAPI & MaterialUI
  • Role - Frontend
  • view Online - www.domain.com
  • Github - Code
project of crud

Product Management

PRODUCT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM : It is a CRUD project with js.In this app you can use it to store your data like if you have a mobile store : so you can add mobiles by their names or categories. you can create numbers of mobile by count input. you can search by the title or the category . you can delete all you can delete one of them you can update one of them

  • Created - 15 Sep 2022
  • technologies used - HTML & CSS & JS
  • Role - Frontend
  • view Online - www.domain.com
  • Github - Code
project of dashboard

Dashboard Page

This is a Responsive page which contain Dark & Light Mode.

  • Created - 17 Sep 2022
  • technologies used - HTML & CSS
  • Role - Frontend
  • view Online - www.domain.com
  • Github - Code
project of food app

Omino Food

Omino Food project is an app food for a restaurant. It is a landing page with HTML and css

  • Created - 3 Jun 2022
  • technologies used - HTML, CSS
  • Role - Frontend
  • view Online - www.domain.com
  • Github - Code
portfolio thump

Pig Game

project with HTML & CSS & JS,A game which 2 of us play it together ,every one can take his turn

  • Created - Jun 2022
  • technologies used - HTML & CSS & JS
  • Role - Frontend
  • view Online - www.domain.com
  • Github - Code
portfolio thump

Weather app

project with NodeJs ,you can search on any country and you will find the weather

  • Created - August 2022
  • technologies used - NodeJs ,API
  • Role - Frontend & backend
  • view Online - www.domain.com
  • Github - Code
portfolio thump

Chat app

project with NodeJs ,you can make a room with your friends and speak in it with the same room name.

  • Created - August 2022
  • technologies used - NodeJs
  • Role - Frontend & backend
  • view Online - www.domain.com
  • Github - Code

contact me
